Valkyrie is slow. Only scanned 60 of 500 fies in 3 days.

Since installing CCAV Valkyrie has only scanned 60 of 500 unknown files on my laptop.

Why is it so slow?

The program seems good. Lightweight and fast and the sandbox option is good. I just wondered when will this be fixed?

Surely the file analysis isn’t meant to take weeks???

why nobody reply???

This is a known issue.

Check reply #25 here (date: 16 June 2016):

and also reply #22 here (date: 10 November 2016):;msg844623#msg844623

it’s taking longer than expected

There is a new release of CCAV that brings Valkyrie server side improvements among other things: .

Does CIS 10 have Valkyrie in the same way that CCAV does?

I switched over from CCAV to CIS 10 and really like the new interface it has.

CIS does not have Valkyrie yet. It is on the roadmap for CIS though. But honestly speaking I’d rather they wait with the integration of Valkyrie in CIS until they have thing sorted out with CCAV.