V3 not remembering my options where Shields up concerned

Hey over what you should be seeing is a screen after you type 192.168.1…and some other numbers. See my 2Wire screen shot.

[attachment deleted by admin]

I’m having the odd sensation that I’ve encountered this modem/router before, in another topic.

Does this look like your IP Filter page? Comodo Forum You may have to “zoom” to have the image be readable.

There aren’t too many modem/routers that have filter settings. Those that do, seem to be based on the same internal design. What you’ve described so far, seems very familiar.

The important things to keep your modem/router secure, is to not use the factory default password to log in to the router, and to not have the router be accessed from the Internet. Some routers are set to allow that, and some don’t. Your GRC tests have already confirmed that it isn’t accessible from the Internet, so you’re safe from that hazard.

Vettetech - dont recognise the screen shot you posted - sorry . But on the upside I have now upgraded to nod 32, so thank you for that.

grue155 - blimey your good , don’t know where you pulled that one out from , but yes those that have the same RULE ID No I have the same rules. i don’t know whether I can actually change my password etc as The system doesn’t seem to explain that bit , but I am releaved that my computer seems to be safe and with the hardwall firewall plus comodo and now NOD32 I feel happy and safe .

Thanks to all of you that have spent the time and trouble to resolve this - I really am very grateful, and I have said it before this really is a very good forum for helping out us ‘technically disadvantaged numpties’


Your mention of 3 pages of filter settings was the hint I needed. It turns out I have a manual for that device. It’s an OEM router sold under a bunch of different names. The manual that I have is for a Xavi X8821. You have a Huawei MT882. A bit of a reach to match OEM model 882x, but it seems to have hit. Dumb luck.

If you want, I will upload the manual, and PM you with the download link. It’s a 51 page (A4 size) PDF, about 1.4meg.

Thats very kind, but I wouldn’t know what to do after page 1 let alone 51 pages !!!

i’m just glad that everything is Ok and I have peace of mind that I am protected as best as I can , thanks again for the time , trouble and research . (:CLP)

Now that we’ve got some clue about the modem/router, there are some settings that should be checked, just to be sure.

Login to the router, and check these items:

On the Services tab, there is Blocked Protocols. The default is that all the checkboxes are clear. I’ll suggest checking the box for Netbeui. Windows networking has some fits of madness on occasion, and this will make sure that nothing from your machine can leak out onto the Internet.

Also, on the Services tab, UPnP, I’ll suggest setting that to disabled. That will turn off any kind of automatic reconfiguration that applications on your PC can do to the mode/router.

On the Admin tab, User Config, you can change the password for the “admin” user by clicking on the pencil icon. You definitely don’t want to have the default factory password on a router.

Also on the Admin tab, there is Management Control. These are the settings that would allow access to the router from the Internet. The WAN (Internet side of things) checkboxes should be clear. If any are marked, then clear them. The LAN side you need to have checked, else you couldn’t login to the modem/router.

The modem/router has a log, just like CFP has a log. If you want to see what the modem has been doing, and what kind of traffic it has been blocking, it’s on the Admin tab, System Log. You can save the log to your PC, if you want.

And, with all that, your modem/router will be nicely secured.

Do you now pass Shields up? Send me a PM and I will help you set up NOD32. There is a great active mode for web browsers. My screen shot was an example of what your set up might look like once you get into it. Thats why I said here is my 2Wire set up.

Everything in the garden is looking rosy, passed the stealth test , with just one exception , the ping test, but reading a previous report it would seem the router is ‘pinging’ not comodo, but with this level of security I am happy.

grue155, have checked my router [ as best i can] and most of what you have said is already done, all the ticks in the right place , the only thing i cant seem to find at present is the admin tab with the pencil sign , but I will keep looking .

Hi Gru155

That would be wonderful! (:CLP)

If it really is the Huawei MT882 then there are loads of people looking for that manual! That modem has been supplied by at least TalkTalk in the UK (with nobbled firmware to restrict functionality) and by BSNL in India (in immense numbers!), all without a full reference manual.

The Huawei MT882 is rumoured to be based on a Viking chipset also built into the Solwise 110 for which there is/was an excellent user forum and a comprehensive CLI manual for accessing the chip’s immense functionality, far greater than built into the web browser configuration and management screens.



Well, we’re about to find out if it is the same or not.

The Xavi x8821 turns out to be the same thing as the Trendnet TDM-C400. And Trendnet has an excellent manual available on their product download support page. The product page is http://trendnet.com/products/proddetail.asp?prod=100_TDM-C400&cat=51 Follow the download link, and the user guide is available. It’s a 2.3 meg PDF, 205 pages (US-letter size) that is far better written than the Xavi manual.

If it is indeed the same thing as the Huawei MT882, post back and let us know.

I don’t know one way or the other yet but I can share some info gained after telnetting into a Huawei SmartAX MT882.

--> system info
 Hardware ver: RD6775 BSP v1.0 (ISOS 9.x) / Argon III CSP v1.0 (ISOS 9.0)
 Software ver: V200R001C01B021SP03

This and the commands available at the command line prompt do not suggest it is identical to the SAR 110

found the following snippet on a British site.

From the telnet interface this router reports Vendor ID : 00B5GSPN which is the same as the SAR110

British ISP TalkTalk manual for MT882 attached.

Ewen :slight_smile:

[attachment deleted by admin]

Thanks Ewen

Sorry – I should have said I was looking for the full manual including the CLI.

Have a look at


Hope these help,
Ewen :slight_smile:

Thanks Ewen :slight_smile:

The first ADSL modem model I owned and supplied was the SAR 110 (and then the SAR 130) so I knew them quite well. The MT882s I’m exploring now were supplied by BSNL and are loaded with firmware V200R001C01B021SP03. Telnetting into these is adventuring in a very different land from SAR 110s!

Here’s from a CLI session:
`–> system info

Global System Configuration:


MAC address:

Hardware ver: RD6775 BSP v1.0 (ISOS 9.x) / Argon III CSP v1.0 (ISOS 9.0)
Software ver: V200R001C01B021SP03

→ console enable
Switching from CLI to console mode - type ‘exit’ to return

Quantum> config version
Confighandle Version 1.10
Both the MT882s I’m exploring are critical production units (with no spares!) so I don’t have the option of loading V100R002B023 firmware and seeing what the user interfaces look like then. Perhaps they do use the same Globespan Virata chipset as the SAR 110 but they certainly don’t look the same in userland.

I feel to be rudely hijacking this this formum and thread but don’t have enough to say (yet) to start another somewhere more appropriate …

