Uses 100% resources on install, stops on scan [Resolved]

Hi Ewin,

You wrote:

That’s exactly the same feeling I have. It’s also why I responded as I did to 3Xist’s post above.

You also wrote:

As I stated before, CFP never showed up in the Add/Remove dialog in the Control Panel. So yes, the installation was faulty. When I tried to delete registry keys dealing with Comodo, even in safe mode, some of them could not be removed. Tonight, I’m going to try to see what I can do with these instructions. The author says:

I quite agree.

You asked about the winsock error message. When running your command line suggestion, I got nothing. When I run Winsock Fix, I get that standard Windows message about having “little or no connectivity.”

I hope someone can help me be able to fix my internet connection short of having to reinstall Windows. Does anyone have any ideas?

