usersigs / userbars


I was looking for a free firewall today and found comodo. I tried it and like it a lot.
The soft has a nice interface, kewl features and works great!
I then got surprised to see that comodo offers also a free antivirus. I immediately installed it too.

I’m not sure if it helps but i did some userbars to put in your forums signatures (for people who doesn’t know about it, usebars are used in forum signatures to show what softwares you use, what singers you like etc…).
It’s not a huge contribution but it may help comodo to be a little bit more popular maybe if people use it in all the forums they post around.

Anyway… Thank you for the great freewares!

Sweet, thanks q-sens & welcome to the forums.


Hi q-sens,

Welcome to forums and thanks for making those userbars. :wink:
