Use CTM 2.8, 2.9 beta or wait for CTM 3.0?

yup it will work on win7

its hard to say when the final will be out. it depends on how stable the BETA is. So if there are a lot of issues and crashes it will be in BETA longer since the devs have to fix the major bugs. i personally dont think it will be in beta for more than 2 months

Beta are not meant to be installed in the main machine unless you regularly make backup of important files. Wmware is one way to test products without putting the OS at risk. Another would be to have a second computer, install the wanted OS and test it there.

I have 2.9beta and it stable, on my 64bit Win7 Pro

So what stopped CTM 2.9 ever moving from BETA to FINAL?

Development stopped for a while so it never progressed.

Comodo waited to see what feature windows 8 will have.

I wish. I am running HOME Windows 7, wondering if I should install Beta 2.9 or wait for 3.0?

hopefully we get this beta soon. I need something new to play with in particular cis v6 ctm or ccav i have been waiting a long time for all of them

i would just wait for 3. even though its taking a little while for the beta. they said there are a lot of new features and a lot of new code so hopefully more stable.

Rember the “:)” Melih made on one of my posts? If I am not wrong CTM 3.0 might have it’s very own OS to protect and make itself independent and protects the user.

Any updates on 3? Weeks away? Months away? Years away?

No news yet unfortunately.

Better late but ready than rushed and not.

Ewen :slight_smile:

Thanks Ewen :slight_smile:

So we don’t have any idea at all, if it’s weeks or months or years away?

It might be here in 2-3 weeks.

Can’t say for certain, but my gut says a couple months at the outside, Lisa. :wink:

I don’t think I can wait, I am too impatient, so I may install 2.9BETA and hope for the best:P

2.9 in my experience is pretty stable. i never had any problems but im going to wait for 3

Your post is confusing and conflicting. First you say 2.9 has been stable in your experience, but next minute you indicate you are waiting for version 3. So which is it? Have you used 2.9 or not?

its both. i used to use CTM 2.9 then i removed it so i could defrag then i never reinstalled it because CTM 3 was announced so i decided to wait.

2.9 and 2.8 are both stable. 2.8 is much much more quicker.

I wouldn’t say 2.8 was terribly reliable from my experience, which i why I’ve been on tenterhooks for 3.0…