Usability Study

Yep, the thread is hidden in the Usability Study group board.

TOPIC SPLIT from Iam going to my girlfriend now (:m*)

!ot!: What is it, and when did this start? Because I’m suddenly seeing all these “Usability Study group” people lately.

BTW, does Melih say when it will be released in that post? :slight_smile:

Now let us not hijack the thread of Monkey_Boy=), but wish him a nice evening instead. ;D

Well, I want to hijack it again :slight_smile:
Where is this usability group and what is it doing? CIS definitely needs improvement in that area. Could you post a link or some info about it?

So mods, this “Usability Study group” is interesting some people…maybe split topic so I won’t feel bad posting here? ;D

OK, topic split :slight_smile:

It’s a group for some members where new CIS GUI designs and ideas are discussed. Brain storming I guess you can say. :slight_smile:

Also where Melih tells program release dates? :cry:


Can you access this thread?

Nope. :frowning:

I’m also unable to view that thread.
If I were part of that group I could again make my point regarding that annoying remember checkbox in the alerts ;D

haha I dont understand… Can people not see that thread?

Anyway, I want to belong to a group too, maby the BEST group?

Hehe thanks! It was nice. :BNC

Only Admins like Melih can add members to the Usability Study Member group, so try PM’ing him.