Updating Comodo Internet Security Premium Update problem

When the tray menu kept popping up an update to Comodo Iinternet Security Premium I finally clicked it. It installed and seems to be working in the tray but when brought up for screen full menu it comes up empty, black inside. Do I need to reinstall? What’s up?
Thank for your help.

Welcome to the forum cm89124 :slight_smile:

I presume you had other themes before.

Please remove all others except one in screenshot.


[attachment deleted by admin]

That is the only theme in the themes directory. cfp.theme, 9/29/10, windows theme, 392 KB. There are no others. The full screen menu has a white blank column on the right and the rest of the menu window is blank black. The tray icon works fine but i cannot view or set anything else.

Another post here similar to yours it might help you.
