
HI, I have just downloaded/installed the comodo firewall. When i try to check for updates, in the task bar, i right click on the check for updates and another comodo icon pops up and spins and thats all it does. SO is there no updates or is something wrong?

Must of the time when you download firewall’s etc. there is always new updates to download.

The task bar icon currently (not sure if it will change) only checks for updates for itself, which is the Comodo Launch Pad.

If you have CPF or CAV also installed, you can manually force each to check for updates in their own menus… like CPF for example has an “Updater” button up by the “Help” button.

More details here… [url]https://forums.comodo.com/index.php/topic,1067.0.html[/url]

Ok, says there is no new update…How often is the firewall updated?

Date/Time :2006-07-18 21:40:44 Severity :High Reporter :Network Monitor Description: UDP Port Scan Attacker: Ports: 19206, 5382, 5894, 8198, 8710, 8966, 9734, 9990, 10246, 10502, 10758, 11014, 11270, 11526, 13062, 13574, 15110, 15622, 15878, 16134, 16646, 17158, 17670, 18182, 18950, 50858, 60417, 32135, 54310, 50858, 52737, 51430, 54295, 50858, 1, 704, 0, 0, 0, 464, 0, 0, 8704, 0, 0, 0, 35840, 49615, 2594, 0 The attacker has been temporarily blocked

Date/Time :2006-07-18 20:47:41
Severity :Medium
Reporter :Application Monitor
Description: Application Access Denied (hl2.exe:
Application: c:\program files\Valve\Steam\steamapps\day of defeat source\hl2.exe
Parent: C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\Steam.exe
Protocol: UDP Out

Date/Time :2006-07-18 20:47:41
Severity :High
Reporter :Application Monitor
Description: Suspicious Behaviour (hl2.exe)
Application: c:\program files\Valve\Steam\steamapps\day of defeat source\hl2.exe
Parent: C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\Steam.exe
Protocol: UDP Out
Details: c:\program files\Valve\Steam\steamapps\day of defeat source\hl2.exe is an invisible application

Date/Time :2006-07-18 20:47:41
Severity :Medium
Reporter :Application Monitor
Description: Application Access Denied (hl2.exe:
Application: c:\program files\Valve\Steam\steamapps\day of defeat source\hl2.exe
Parent: C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\Steam.exe
Protocol: UDP Out

Date/Time :2006-07-18 20:47:41
Severity :High
Reporter :Application Monitor
Description: Suspicious Behaviour (hl2.exe)
Application: c:\program files\Valve\Steam\steamapps\day of defeat source\hl2.exe
Parent: C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\Steam.exe
Protocol: UDP Out
Details: c:\program files\Valve\Steam\steamapps\day of defeat source\hl2.exe is an invisible application

Date/Time :2006-07-18 20:47:41
Severity :High
Reporter :Application Monitor
Description: Suspicious Behaviour (hl2.exe)
Application: c:\program files\Valve\Steam\steamapps\day of defeat source\hl2.exe
Parent: C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\Steam.exe
Protocol: UDP Out
Details: c:\program files\Valve\Steam\steamapps\day of defeat source\hl2.exe is an invisible application

Date/Time :2006-07-18 20:47:41
Severity :High
Reporter :Application Monitor
Description: Suspicious Behaviour (hl2.exe)
Application: c:\program files\Valve\Steam\steamapps\day of defeat source\hl2.exe
Parent: C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\Steam.exe
Protocol: UDP Out
Details: c:\program files\Valve\Steam\steamapps\day of defeat source\hl2.exe is an invisible application

Also could if have anyinfo from the above quote?


The firewall is currently in a second beta stage after the last stable release. I assume you have the version (which is the last stable release).

Beta versions are not pulled down as updates. If you wanted to try a newer beta version, you would need to unistall your current CPF before installing it.

These past Beta version are bringing some good enhancements and fixes, but a big change was Comodo’s move to dump Install Sheild and create their own installer. Not sure, but when the next release does come, you might want to uninstall your version and go for a clean install on the next final release that uses Comodo’s Installer.

Regarding your log messages, other than the port scan… it looks like you need some rules defined (or blocked application rules opened) to get your CS:DOD functioning, as it looks like your blocking it.

What Network Control Rules do you have? What Application Rules do you have for hl2.exe?

I was able to get everything working,

What is a UDP Port Scan? is it harmfull?


if someone/something is really trying to probe you… it might have had potential to be bad… but CPF stopped it… so no worries ;D