Updates Making PC slow

Hi, hope this is the right place for this. if not please let me know where to post. Thanks.

My PC everytime COMODO firewall updates slows down. browser, programs etc

does this mean i have a problem with the program or is it not set up as it should be?

It also stops by Avast antivirus from updating

Thanks for any help.

Do you know what version of Comodo Firewall you are using? The latest is 7.0.317799.4142. any hasn’t been updated to a new version in months. Also ehat are your system specs? eg. Ram and Os version?

To find the version number, open the Comodo Firewall, and click on the (?), and in the drop down menu select “About” there you will see the version number.

Vista and RAM 2GB

Version i have is the one you posted. safe mode ticked

Are you using the auto sandbox/HIPS or neither? Also, have you run a rating scan with Comodo firewall? It can help identify unknown programs on your pc, and you can decide whether or not to trust them. this helps the firewall to be more efficient.

Also, I recommend downloading and installing malwarebytes from here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/ Preform a threat scan, just to make sure your computer is clean.

auto sandbox - disabled
HIPS - on safe mode
Scan - showed No bad files

i already had malwarebytes on my pc and performed a quick scan, no threat detected

Comodo firewall shouldn’t update unless there is a new version or a website filtering database available. Also there are known conflicts with viruscope, do you have that enabled? If so, try disabling it.

Maybe it’s not when it’s updating then. it looks like this when the problems are happening, the green arrows on the right move up.


Just having COMODO enabled stops avast from updating

i can’t seem to find viruscope

It’s probably because all these applications use the same port (port 80) to update.
Also, you are kind of low in RAM. You should stick with one vendor from my point of view.

You can try to disable the automatic updating of the firewall and manually check a couple of times per week. Does that make a difference?

Do the D+ and Firewall logs provide us with a clue as to why Avast gets blocked from updating?