Updates for Comodo Internet security are ready for your computer


Recently I got a popup saying: “Updates for Comodo Internet Security are ready for your computer. Click here for details”
When I click on it nothing happens.
When I open Comodo, clicking on More->check for updates, then Start, “updates are available” → Next, “updates have been installed” ->Finish.
After this going back to check for updates, it still says updates are available.
About says I have Product version 5.0.163652.1142
Virus signature version: 7082

From the information you have given I am not clear whether this is a bug/issue.

For the moment I will transfer you to help so you can work through this issue and hopefully resolve it. I hope that is OK.

Please ask any mod to move this report back to the bugs forum if it becomes clear that it is a bug/issue.

Many thanks

Ok, thanks.

I have the same issue as the OP here.
I have three machines all running Comodo, one the full suite the others with MS Security Essentials. Each machine would display the ‘Balloon’ informing of a new update, but would go away before I got a chance to click on it. So I went to the Manual Updater to check, and it says ‘yes’…update available. Clicked on start, and it was finished in one second…nothing downloaded. The ‘About’ shows the same version as before the ‘phantom update’.
Something is ‘fishy’…all three machines have done this now.

If you need info, ask

Thanks Much,

Does it continue to do this?

If so you have the same issue,

but If not and it only did it once, it was updating of the TVL (Trusted Vendors List)
Which fixed a issue regarding the TVL

Have you tried running diagnostics?

CIS > More > Diag.

check this too

Hope this helps


Hey and warm welcome to the forum mydexterid and ccrider2!

If Jacob’s tip doesn’t help I recommend you to uninstall and look here Cleanup tool for CIS

And if you have time

Merry Chrismas!

Valentin N

Running XP Pro.

Thanks for the info on ‘Trusted Vendors List’, I assume that was a very small download, that I failed to notice occurring. As far as I can remember this only happened once per machine.

Can I assume this will occur again in the future, as the list is recompiled?

Again, Thanks…AND Merry Christmas

If any other issue comes to the dev’s table then they will issue an update, but yes it was a very quick download/install update.

Merry Christmas!
