Update Testing to Comodo Internet Security v12.2.2.7036 RC

The same is happening with 6870.

Maybe a shot in the dark, but have you changed the Environmental Variables by any chance? I’ve come across that before if I remember correctly with Secure Shopping as I had the Temp Files pointed to a RAM Drive - which it didn’t like at all!

I didn’t change environment variables like redirecting temp, appdata and document folders to another drive. The only frivolity is that CIS is installed in Program Files\Internet\COMODO\COMODO Internet Security.

Odd thing is the update worked when updating from 6882 to 7036. The only that may be different between updating 6818 and 6870 and 6882 is that with 6882 I had not downloaded KillSwitch before updating but that’s a wild stab.

I did some more testing. I tried updating from 6870 to 7036. It failed with KillSwitch installed and would work without KillSwitch installed (if memory serves me right).

I did another round of testing updating from 6882 to 7036. It failed with KillSwitch installed and worked without KillSwitch installed prior to updating.

My findings lead me to believe that on my system having KillSwitch installed prior to running the program update the update will fail. I have witnessed it with 6870 and 6882. For 6818 I assume it was KillSwitch keeping form updating successfully.

I am on Windows 10 x64 1909 (18363.752) I have been using my own variation of Proactive Security throughout those tests. I have newly set it up approx a week ago so there is no dirt from a previous installations.

Are there others also witnessing this?

update is normal, but download database antivirus slowdown :-TU

I did an update test on WIndows 10 1809 (17763.1098) x64 going from 6818 to 7036. It failed with KillSwithch installed and worked witout KillSwitch installed prior to the update. That further corroborates KillSwitch gets in the way of updating.

Hello liosant,

The issue has been fixed so could you please check and confirm that.

it got better, but not perfect
sorry my english

No more bluescreen by now.

I testing updating from 6914 to 7036 on Windows 10 1809 (17763.1098). The same is happening here. Updating without KillSwitch installed works and updating with KillSwitch installed does not work. I used a recently renewed version of my Proactive Security settings.

Because there is an issue with installing KillSwithc I “installed” it as described in:

These tests corroborate further that having KillSwithch installed prior to updating to 7036 breaks the update process.

When I click on ‘cleaning PC’ (cce), then ‘tools’ and there i can open ‘killswitch’.

I put a shortcut to KillSwitch in the widget. My comment about the alternative strategy in my previous post was a workaround needed only in 6914 (I was testing the scenario updating from 6914 with KillSwitch installed).

I had a crash of cavwp.exe being logged in two files at the same time. This installation was updated from 6914 to 7036. I am on Win 10 1809 (17763. 1098) x64.

[at] Dharshu I have uploaded the files to my one drive and sent the url by pm.

I had virtual desktop + secure shopping and used both intensively. open:

After closing it, I put the container back and folded. No BOSD, the reset did not take a second. Hadn’t been the case before.
The fact that my PC froze yesterday (could not close the virt.desktop) is only mentioned by the way, because I switched it off, so I have no error message. Could be more because I “overwhelmed” the PC, otherwise everything runs smoothly.

Very good work, if you consider (I am only amazed as a layman) how such extensive software is programmed and where the details (the devil is in the details) can be everywhere. One wrong “dot” and you have to find it.

Thank you for this monster work!

Hello EricJH,

Thank you for reporting.As per our dev,Could you please re-check the issue and confirm.
Have a nice day.

Kind Regards,

Hello liosant,

Thank you for your response.Let me forward this issue again to the corresponding team members for completely resolve.
Have a nice day.

Kind Regards,

Hello EricJH,

Yes I got your dumps and I will forward that to my dev members for further investigations.
Have a nice day.

Kind Regards,

Hello liosant,

I had forwarded your reply to our corresponding team member for further analysis of the issue.
Have a nice day.

Kind Regards,

How do you mean recheck? Try updating from 6914 to 7036 with and without KillSwitch installed?

I have witnessed the behavior on installing updates coming from various versions:

There is one thing that could be worth testing and that is testing from a factory default profile. :-\