Update problem

Our CESM on 2008 server and that server behind firewall. Some web pages and ports blocked. I set rule to allow comodo.com but still CESM can’t get update.

Is there any port or something must be allowed on firewall ?



Please try allowing download.comodo.com on port 80 in your firewall, and let us know if that worked for you.

hi Radu, it not work. Our firewall also application firewall is there something about that ??


Are you able to ping download.comodo.com ?
How about

i can’t ping that ip address but i can surf on comodo.com via firefox, i think icmp protocol blocked.

Please turn Windows Firewall off, to take it out of the equation, open a command prompt and try this command: telnet 80
If you receive a message saying ‘telnet’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, you will need to install Telnet Client. Click Start, right-click Computer, and then click Manage. In the Features Summary section, click Add features. In the Add Features Wizard, select Telnet Client, then click Next and complete the installation.
Try the telnet 80 again.
If this fails that means your Network Firewall is still blocking access to download.comodo.com on port 80.

Radu thx for helping but port 80 is open, when i set all open for my server on firewall, comodo update OK. But i don’t want it. I need to know what is port and address for comodo update. Port 80 already open but update failed. There must be more.

Please try adding downloads.comodo.com on port TCP 80 to your firewall exclusions.
So you should have download.comodo.com and downloads.comodo.com, both on port 80, allowed.

Let me know if that makes any difference.

Hi again Radu, sory for late answer.

I set rule on firewall, it is allow anything to and
result same, update failed.

when i set rule on firewall to allow full internet access for server, comodo update successful but i don’t want it.

Hi kemikliet

We have referred this up the chain and had the reply “need to open download.comodo.com and downloads.comodo.com and it’s not single ip”.

Does this help you at all?
