Update False Positives?

Wow!!! CIS is the best for me!!! (:LOV)

Only the virus scanner comes up reminding me about ultravnc as a possible trojan. Me thinks this should be fixed as being in false positive. I’ve seen similar comments about the AVG and Karpersky modules.

This is the first product ever, on my slow notebook which blazes like H.ELL! I used to have Comodo FW pro + Threathfire + Avast Pro. Not needed anymore >>>>>>> CIS!!! :BNC :BNC :BNC :BNC :BNC (S) (R)


That’s the problem with these tools, they are abused by malware, so it’ “could be” a leftover.

But if you installed it your self, it is annoying, put it on the “Ignore, Permanent” and it won’t ask you again.