Update Error 0x80072efd


When I try to update my firewall, it shows me an error 0x80072efd.
Reinstalling would be my last option, so definitely guys, I would like to consider any ideas that would be coming from you to help me fix this error.
I have windows 7 service pack one and my CF version is 5.3.181415.1237

Thanks in advance. :■■■■


Hi Ryklon. This is the current version for the firewall. If not running the AV component their would probably be nothing to update. Also the error code is to do with internet connection which maybe temporary due to congestion or if not their could be a discrepency in your settings or connection. Kind regards.

Thanks for the reply.
I will wait for the coming updates to test the error.

Cheers! :■■■■


I would still try it over the next couple of days because even if you are up to date the error code still means something is not quite right it should just say program up to date. If still happening then it might be worth looking into it further. All the best and Kind regards.

Actually, the error is quite for a couple of days now. I’ll just post here again if the error still exist after the release of an update.


not that nice to see it again.
the problem is always there
the uninstall-install way doesn’t seems that good
looking for a better way…

That error happens also to me… >:(
What can I do ? :-\

Does this error happen when you try to update the program or the AV? What version of CIS are you on? Are you using the Firewall only or the complete suite (Firewall + AV)?

I have CIS Premium 5.5.195786.1383
This error happens when I click on “Controlla aggiornamenti” (Check updates)
If I try to update virus database it fails…
I tried to download CIS Premium from “Download Antivirus for Mac | Free Antivirus Software for Mac
but nothing happens.
Thanks from Italy !

No news, bad news… :frowning:
CIS not updates and is’nt possible to download the installer. >:(
I’m thinking to look for another IS…

Currently there is a lot of work going on with the Comodo servers behind the scenes that can cause problems with updating the av database (and likely also other downloads from the various Comodo web pages).

Comodo staff is looking for people who are suffering from problems with updating the AV database and are willing to do some very simple testing.

The instruction are in this post in the Is there a problem with the Antivirus part of Internet Security updating topic.

Please report your findings there. That will very much help Comodo and finally yourself.

Hello all Happy New Year!.

I know this is a stale thread but thought to post here anyway as this describes the issue verbatim even though it’s been 120 days since the last post.

Error:0x80072efd - A connection with the server could not be established

Platform: Windows XP Pro
I have tried several fixes including the ones here on the forum - contacted support and reinstalled various versions numerous times without success.
Today I sent a detailed report of the steps taken as well as various forensics of both the system and the software to the support desk address.
As an aside, I don’t use windows I’m helping someone (a paid subscriber) get ready fro a long trip by making sure everything is up-to-date and running correctly. That’s why I’m posting these remarks. If the dev team is still interested in resolving this (at least in this environment) then I am willing to go out on a limb including making available a test environment on one of my Linux boxes.
Send a PM and we’ll get on it.

PS. I’m going to frequent this forum for messages only for the next few days