Unknown File Hunter

Why it doesn’t work?

Please check Help → Agent Requirements.
if you set all required settings on your PC but UFH still unable to connect, please collect and send us in PM UFH trace log: %programdata%\Comodo\APTAT\

All checked, here is log.

Make sure, following services are running: Server, Workstation, netbios over tcp/ip.


UnknownFileHunter.exe Information: 0 : Connection to failed
UnknownFileHunter.exe Information: 0 : Connection to failed

please check if 135 and 445 ports are listening and by which process:
start command prompt and enter
netstat -ano
After that please check the services: Server, Workstation, NetBIOS over TCP/IP (TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper), as Volum suggested in post above.
Make sure connection is not blocked by any firewall (including Comodo Firewall).
For test purposes please try to scan PC by network address using current IP of your NIC.

So, does it work now?

I have a similar problem because I banned the local share ADMIN$. Then it won’t work any more.


how to get back?

One more try…
Pula, please clarify, whether the “filter loopback traffic” setting (in firewall settings) is enabled or disabled?
I have disabled it on my computer to get UFH work.

According to your log file, it seems like you had blocked the ports and the connection failed to establish. Close all firewalls including windows firewall and comodo, then check all dependent services. Run “netstat -ano” in CMD to make sure 445 and 139 is listening.

The scanner does not work, what is the reason?

Works here - Win10 latest