unistall antivirus

Please can you tel me how to uninstall comodo v1 form my laptop? It won’t unistall it just gives an error code after the unistall has started. Can it be unistalled through DOS for example?

Hi welcome to the forum.

I have never had CAVS, so I can only point you to a link here:

I have the same problem. This prog is a nightmare. am running XP SP 2, Compaq Proliant ML350G3 with 2 gig RAM and 6 x 146 gig SCSI drives (a std config machine)

I have tried registry cleaners, forced uninstallers with no luck.

everytime I start my machine I end up with a dialogue box asking for the installation of the original 1.1 MSI which no longer exists. It is screwing up my ability to install and uninstall other utilities as well now

I have disabled services and drivers through MSCONFIG, I have tried the MSIexec install patch. I have tried LSP fix, Winsock fix, I have tried uninstalling a non existing Comodo directory. I’ve tried Serviwin

All I end up with is repeated 1706 errors stipulating that it can’t find the installation files (which I no longer have download copies of either).

This has been a problem free computer till I installed this rubbish.

Any help appreciated.

(a link to the old 1.1 msi might fix my probs, but I have to say that first impressions have been an absolute disaster) Unfort this computer is critical. The major lesson should have been to install this software on a mule where reimaging wouldn’t have been such an issue.

As it is I have this ■■■■ dialogue box popping up every 30 seconds and it stuffing up my resources.

I’ve also run regvac, regscrubxp, counterspy and addremovepro with no luck.

I’ve now spent a total of 8 hours trying to remove this rubbish. Its a variation of the grief that Bulletproof Software used to inflict upon the unsuspecting.

I have now tried over half a dozen registry editors and cleaners, I’ve tried malware searchers. I’ve tried their own 1.1 uninstall routine without success.

None of the current forum advice listed to date works, surely Comodo know how to hunt down their own malware and provide people with a solution?

men you are right. in part of i before my anti virus is comodo and i chnge to kaspersky . after that i use system restore and the comodo comes in … im tired to delete that ■■■■ comodo anti virus …
please help me to delete the comodo anti virus in registry editor>>>>>>>>>>