Uninstalling CAV Beta 2

Hi All, I just installed CAV Beta 2 on my system, but want to uninstall it. I’m getting an error “Cannot Unistall, You are currently in User Mode”. I get this error from both the Unistaller supplied, & from the Windows Add / Remove Programs. Can you help?

Hi & welcome.

Would it help to uninstall in Windows Safe Mode?


I tried this, but cannot get logged into Safe Mode, I’m using company laptop & need to remove any software that is sanctioned by the company.

I haven’t tried this myself, but what about using a 3rd party piece of software to uninstall CAVS? There’s a free program called Revo Uninstaller.

Thank You! I will try this utillity!

I hope it’ll work, but it’s just a chance. Please tell us later. :wink:


???Did you log in your system as Administrator before uninstalling V2?Or I think you may not uninstall
it successfully

I installed CAV Beta 2 as user and I do not have administrator password. How could I uninstall it as USER ?

I also get a message telling me “Unable to uninstall. You are in User Mode”.

Please help since I am blocked…


No admin to help you, or are you supposed to be the admin but you’ve forgotten the password? I’m not sure you can uninstall during these circumstances. Hoping for someone to find a workaround (personally I don’t use CAVS currently).


What is weird is that he could install it in the first place without being admin.