
i cannot disinstall the product:when i try eliminate manually the folder says impossible eliminate cavshei.dll access denied verify the file is not in use or protect by writing:if i visit uninstalla pplication the voice of program doesnt exist :if i click on uninstall in the folder doesnt happen nothing:urgent what i can do for resolve the problem :fastidiously appear a script on boot of pc windows installer and wait while configures comodo and pc is more slow in all operations tank you for suggest

I would love to know the answer to this as well. I am having all the smae problems. I just want my computer back man.

Hi, as mentioned you need to get rid of your virus and trojan first. :wink:


It could also be that cavshei.dll is still resident in the registry, try doing regedit and delete this file from the registry. I’ve had the same sort of problems with other installs with the same type of error message, once I did regedit and removed the file from within the registry the problem disappeared. Hope this helps some.

Hi nugar, very helpful but wanted to mention (if directed at babyblue)in other posts, they have a virus and trojan on their system. I would dare say it was there prior to install and they need to get rid of it first. Just to let you know. :wink: I have explained you can’t install a software like this over a virus and whatever else is lurking so we’ll see if they get rid of it first.


You can rid yourself of the cavshei.dll by deleting from the registry using regedit (or 3rd party registry utility like RegSeeker etc). However, you need to STOP the CAVS service & driver first.

Here’s some steps for you:

  1. Download ServiWin (if you don’t have it) www.nirsoft.net, install and run. There are 2 “gear” icons at the top left.
    a. First one is drivers. Find “Cavasm”, change Startup Type to “Disabled” and Status to “Stopped” (it may not stop until you reboot; thus the Startup Type change).
    b. Second one is services. Find “Comodo Antivirus and Antispyware Service” and make the same change as above. Reboot.

  2. Using MSCONFIG from Start/Run… (or configuration utility of your choice), find Startup items for CAVS and uncheck to remove from startup.

  3. Follow Paulo’s instructions (with the download) from this post https://forums.comodo.com/index.php/topic,887.msg19702.html#msg19702, regarding uninstaller utility for CAVS.

  4. Follow Paulo’s instructions (with the download) from this post https://forums.comodo.com/index.php/topic,887.msg19792.html#msg19792, regarding registry utility for CAVS.

  5. Now run Regedit from Start/Run… (or registry utility of your choice), find and delete cavshei.dll

This should resolve your issue. Please be aware that there is a chance that this will not; it has for some, and not for others; it comes from the way that Windows Installer installed and uninstalled the product. Sometimes the CAV product identifier is left in the registry, thus causing the continual install window, and subsequent registry edits. I am currently working on a resolution for this issue myself, so if the steps above don’t resolve your problem, just post back and I’ll reply with whatever I’ve learned at that point… :wink:

And babyblue, if you had a virus on ur system prior to installation of CAVS, you have a separate issue to be addressed. You can scan ur system online at http://www.virustotal.com/en/indexx.html. You can also use Housecall for online scanning and removal at http://housecall.trendmicro.com/.

Hope this helps,