Uninstall application problem

After installing and running Comodo System Cleaner several times to correct the registry and try to make faster my laptop, the PC worked better.
Some days later I tried to uninstall some applications that I installed for evaluation before the CSC.
-Corel Visual Studio 12
-Adobe Premier Elements
I get the following error trying to uninstall this applications:
Comodo Defense+ temporarily blcoked this application. It has tried to execute shellcode as a result of a possible buffer overfloe attack.

Application: explorer.exe


In order to uninstall the two programs you must remove the blocked application from COMODO Internet Security.
Please open COMODO Internet Security, click on the “Defense+” section, then click on “My Blocked Files”, select the item in the list that refers to the blocked application(in this case, explorer.exe) and click on “Remove” button. Apply the change, close CIS and try again to uninstall the applications.

Thank you for your support.