UnclassifiedMalware@162432846 cannot submit


I’ve installed the comodo anti-virus today (vista 64 home) and during the first full scan I got this:
C:\Users\Aloyse\AppData\Roaming\ASP.Net Cache Module\Windows Local Host.exe UnclassifiedMalware@162432846

So I quarantined the file and hit submit, got back the message ‘File to large’. The file is 13.693 kB. So I restored the file and I tried to zip it with 7zip, this fails with the message ‘Access refused’. I’m also unable to see the file properties, I cannot take ownership of this file and the owner is not shown.

Any suggestions on how to proceed with this?

Hello Aloyse,

We checked this file and concluded that it is not a False Positive.

Best regards,

Thank you for the quick reply. Any idea what sort of malware it is?

Best regards,


Hey and warm welcome to comodo forums Aloyse!

deleting it (by pressing clean) or quarantine it.

Valentin N

It’s already quarantined, I was wondering if you had any information what it could have done?

Best regards,


try to submit it to virustotal that should give you an idea of what it is or submit it to
CIMA http://camas.comodo.com/ to show you what it does.

Perhaps you can copy the file and then upload that copy to VirusTotal. That sometimes works.

Thank you for the suggestions, unfortunately I cannot copy or upload the file, even when logged in as administrator, I have not he necessary rights to do anything with that file.

You could try to copy and then past it on your desktop.if it’s too big encrypt it and then upload it.

Valentin N

I have tried copying it to an other folder, but I cannot copy it because I do not have the necessary rights, even logged on as administrator. Any actions (copy, move, zip, view properties, access with CFF-Explorer) that I try on that file get blocked by the message that I do not have the right to access that file.

last resort is to use a bootable cd to access it and send it to virustotal.

Thanks, languy99, that did the trick. According to virustotal it’s a trojan, after the latest update comodo av called it a trojan dropper.