Unable to uninstall i-Vault

Hi all,
I can’t uninstall i-vault. i-vault don’t appear in the add/remove programs.
If i try to install it again, the installer crash, saying “Please uninstall i-vault first”.

Can you help me ?
Thanks a lot.

Download: Unlocker for Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 2003.
Carefully read instructions and install. Restart and read instructions again.
Use with care.

arnold (:AGL) (:AGL) (:AGL)

I already have unlocker.
I’ve changed the name of the directory from “comodo” to “comodo.old” without problem.

i-Vault is not correctly installed : no program groups, tray programs don’t work.
I can’t reinstall i-vault : the setup crash with the error : “Please first uninstall i-vault”
I can’t uninstall i-vault : there is no entry for the product in the add/remove program panel.

Can you help me ?
Thanks a lot,


If you have Unlocker running go to the iVault folder in Explorer.
Select all files in it and push DELETE, if you want them to go to recycle bin.
SHIFT + DELETE remove is permanent.
An Unlocker window pops up telling witch application is occupying the files.
Select these applications and click unlock.
If deleting is not possible, you can select Wat to do with them at restart.
Read the read-me file of Unlocker.

You can first try Revo Uninstaller and Ad/Remove and READ HOW TO USE THEM !
You can download them for free.

arnold (:NRD) (:NRD)