Unable to start OS after encryting

I have tried to encrypted one of my drive and after I reboot it shows up the screen asking for password. I typed my password (not sure it was actually receiving it, coz the underscore stayed at the same place), it showed “operating system missing”. Now I can’t even log on to my OS now.

note: The encrypted drive was not the system drive.

Any help would be appreciated.


You do have to enter the password when the sytem starts up. It will not move the cursor or indeed seem as though anything has happened, but it does work.

As to the missing OS I am not sure about that? Have you tried starting in safe mode?

Cheers Gaz

Hi again,

Did you password and usb encrypt? If so then in order to boot you should keep the USB key pluged in and to type the password at the prompt time.

This should then work. :wink:

Cheers Gaz

Thanks for replying.
No, I didn’t use USB, only password. And I think there are actually bugs in the password system:
I tried install the OS again in another partition. Then I installed the CDE again, tried set the password for the setting area. When I try to go setting again, password doesn’t work. I was pretty sure the password I typed in.

In addition, I tried to mount the encrypted partition in the newly installed windows. After I installed the CDE and reboot, then opened CDE, it prompted me said “there are some changes to your file system, please restart windows”. If I restart, will back into the trap of “enter the password”. I’ve also tried decrypting the partition by using “Add Encrypted Partition”. It won’t mount the partition neither. Now, even I have a CDE there still not able to decrypt.


Welcome to Comodo Hell! You can’t reinstall the program and you can’t get your data back…several of us have the same problem and we are being ignored by this forum and the devs. There is a reason that they don’t give you a number to call, because there are a lot of angry people out there with data that they hope to recover and are unable to do so.

You have two choices to resolve the situation.

  1. wait and wait for a dev and or moderator to get back to you.
  2. reformat and reinstall the drive.

If you are considering using this software…do yourself a favor…try something else instead.

Ok, I figured out how to get my drives unencrypted. It was a long process of trial and error, but I am decrypting the files as I write.

1- comodo does not work if you have your boot drive on a raid. I had to install a new hard drive and turn off the raid in the bios. After that, your password will work and the system will boot.

2- You also have to disable boot sector scans from your antivirus in order for the comodo disk encryption error to go away. The antivirus suspects a boot sector virus and blocks comodo so you get the encryption subsystem error. I use ESET NOD antivirus.

3- once these two factors have been dealt with, reboot and enter the password at the boot prompt and you should now see the drives in comodo disk encryption software and will be able to decrypt the drives.

I hope this helps all of you that have the same problem…frustrating as hell and makes you cranky :o}

Welcome all to the forum!

Which version are we talk about?

[to louhbo]: This forum is active and people help each other, not all knows how to solve all problems. It can happen that CDE has bugs. The developers will deal with the bugs.

I am happy that you found a solution to the problem. I will make a copy of this topic and put it to the bug forum of CDE but later today.


hi all. yes i fewas considering using this product but im going to re-consider after reading all this.What other safe alternatives are there please.? ???

TrueScript or what it’s called is an alternative.

here is a solution by the way https://forums.comodo.com/help-cde/fixed-disk-encryption-subsystem-failure-and-no-boot-t64437.0.html
