Unable to retrieve the certificate - IE9 BETA on Win7

I faced the same problem to retrieve the certificate on IE9 BETA.
After click on the email´s link and fullfill the website´s fields a popup message indicate that the certificate could not be installed. After that, the following message is shown:

Attempting to collect and install your Free Certificate…

ERROR 0x80092004: CertEnroll::CX509Enrollment::InstallResponse: A propriedade ou o objeto não foi encontrado. 0x80092004 (-2146885628)

I have modified the browser´s security options, but I am still having the same problem.

Anyone can help me with that?

Please Use a Supported Browser;
I’m sure the IE9 Isn’t supported yet; or that you have configured it differently

Quote is from here

(Email Certificate can be applied for and collected using IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari and Flock)

Hope this helps
