Unable to Install CTM

Hello, I tried installing CTM on my dual booting system (Win XP & Ubuntu Intrepid 8.1), but received an error due to having TrueCrypt on my system. I removed it from the Linux side and the XP side, but I’m still getting an error that TreuCrypt is still installed on my system. I did a search and NOTHING regarding truecrypt is being produced in my search, what gives?

Hi, bluemoss
Maybe some particular drivers or services of TrueCrypt remain.
CTM only supports MBR hard disk, and only supports Fat16, Fat32, exFat & NTFS.

Hope it helps.
Best regards.

Bluemoss. Uninstall TrueCrypt, boot, install CTM and then use (extract) the TrueCrypt portable (http://www.truecrypt.org/docs/?s=truecrypt-portable).

Hi, bluemoss
Maybe some particular drivers or services of TrueCrypt remain. Make sure you have removed Truecrypt, please check the following items, if exists then delete it.


Hope it helps.
Best regards.

Thanks Flykite.
Indeed the uninstallation of TrueCrypt (even using RevoUninstaller) left a lot of things behind.
Specially the one you’re pointed it out.

But also (could be left):