Turning off Secure DNS

Ok, I installed Comodo’s software (which I think is a great product) when setting up a new laptop. Without meaning to during the installation I agreed to use the Secure DNS settings. I had a lapse and wasn’t paying as much attention as I should have been. This is not something I really wanted to do and while I am certain Comodo are trustworthy my personal policy has always been that when I am doing banking etc I don’t want to use a proxy or anything of that nature.

So, how does Comodo’s secure DNS work? My assumption is that it simply modifies the DNS settings on the laptop. So, in the Network and Sharing centre I have changed these back to automatic. Does this now mean that I am no longer using Comodo’s secure DNS? Or do I need to do something else?

Due to a quirk of my ISP you can’t change the DNS settings at router level, and I don’t know how Comodo would have been able to do that anyway.

Hello BobDoleisaG

First of all, what type of Router do you have?

Also if you Selected to install Comodo DNS with the install of a Comodo Product (As in Comodo Internet Security or Comodo Dragon etc) You should already have the settings in place.

One other thing I need to know what Windows do you have WinXP; Vista; Windows 7 or Windows 8 ?

So if you have XP follow these instructions > Secure DNS for Windows XP, DNS Setup Instructions - Comodo

For Windows Vista & Windows 7 & 8 follow these Instructions> Secure DNS for Windows Vista, DNS Setup Instructions - Comodo

But if you wish to set Comodo DNS with your Router! then that is why I need the model type so you can set them on there.

Also these Instructions do not work > Secure DNS for Router DNS, DNS Setup Instructions - Comodo <

Due to a quirk of my ISP you can’t change the DNS settings at router level,

So once I know I can advise.

