
I’m a newbie to this forum, but not to forum policy and etiquette. I have used the search function and have carefully gone over all the different sections of the forum. However, I cannot find anything related to TrustFax faxing service. Anyway, if someone can point me in the right direction or answer this simple question i would greatly appreciate it.

I am the IT Geek here at a small fund and somehow, without my knowledge, this program or service was installed. Not a big deal. The way it works is that we give out our Fax number to a person and they fax to that number. TrustFax converts that fax into a .PDF and sends a copy of it to our CFO and a copy of it to a public folder on our 2003 Exchange server. The CFO deleted the public folder yesterday. So I’m trying to backtrack and find out how this is all set-up. The first thing I did was simply create a new public folder that was exactly the same naming convention as the deleted one. Then we tested it by sending a fax. The fax only went to the CFO’s mail box but not the 2nd copy to the public folder. Can someone tell me how this all works?

Thx - John - the new FaxGeek!


Can anyone please answer this query by FaxGeek.

Thank you

Incoming faxes are delivery to an email address. Trustfax can send up to 10 notification emails with the fax attached for each fax received in the trustfax account.
Trustfax is not able to post a fax to a folder on your network. You would have to setup a rule to drop the fax attachment into the public folder from the email is received by outlook. Unsure if the rule would have to be on the server or client side in OutLook. You would have to research that issue with Microsoft OutLook product help and websites.