Trouble with install

AntiSpam will appear to install normally. When I try to start it up it indicates that that it was not successfully installed, but as mentioned, all appears to go fine with the initial install. Additionally, when I run Outlook in this condition I get an error message that AntiSpam was not able to access the Outlook HKCUs.

Another clue perhaps…I tried changing the compatibility mode for the executable to Win2000 and I got a screen to enter the challenge code, but after that the program dumps.

Environment: XP SP2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.070227-2254), 2 GB of RAM, CFP 2.4, NAV, Outlook 2007.

Let me know if anyone needs more! Cheers, Jeff.

Don’t know if it would make a difference or not, Jeff, but did you have NAV running when you installed?

I’m also wondering (I don’t know) if there were changes to Outlook 07 that might cause compatibility issues.


Little Mac,

Disabled NAV and tried to re-install. Same thing happened. Install appears to go just fine. After reboot I get the message box that install has failed and the same error messages on the inability to access the HKCUs occured.

Another interesting thing… Instead of acknowledging the message box on the failed install, i first went to the tray icon and right clicked it this time. It brought up the configuration interface, but it was unresponsive to button clicks and didn’t keep any inputs made. Just one more clue!? (:LGH)

I think next I may just start disabling any/all background processes til I find a smoking gun…or not!

Thanks for your thoughs and any others you may get on my problem! I’m all ears!!

Cheers, Jeff

Is it possible on your next try that you can capture and save a screenshot of the failure message? Seeing the exact situation may help… Save it as an image file (JPG, GIF, PNG). To post it here, click on “Additional Options” below the textbox of your post; you can browse to the saved file to attach it.


I will do that at first opportunity. Thanks!