Trouble networking computers with Version 3

I am trying to network a couple computers and am having issues.

I have an XP computer hardwired to a Linksys router. I have a XP computer I am trying to network wirelessly using a Belkin USB wireless adapter and A Vista computer I am trying to do by wireless also.

I have Comodo on my hard wired computer and Windows firewalls on the other ones.

I can get the internet on the computers but I keep getting denied access errors on the computers when trying to reach the other computers.

Are there some simple rules I can make for network access? Has anyone made any rules that can by imported?.

My Router is at My other computers are within the range.

I figured it out:

I used the network Lan that Comodo detected at set up. I also set up my router as a network zone and my computers as a network zone.

I then went into the stealth ports wizard and chose my LAN as the trusted network.

I then went into advanced settings and network security and made up global policies for the LAN, router and computers allowing all traffic by choosing 'any".

You would be better to create a single zone covering to youcan then reference just this single zone in any rules requiring internal or internet outbound access.

I don’t like the sound of

allowing all traffic by choosing 'any

Please say you don’t have a rule allowing IN from ANY or ALL. :wink:

Hope this helps,
Ewen :slight_smile: