Tray Icon

It should be possible to disable/enable the AV real-time scanner from the tray icon, the same way it is with the firewall and D+

In addition, there should be a visual feedback when one of the modules is disabled.

IIRC, these items have been requested again and again and again… >:(

The developers were focusing on bugs at the time. :wink:

No no it’s not possible to right click. :frowning: Only from main GUI and in the AV Tab, But it’s a good suggestion that I personally like. :-TU



In addition, there should be a visual feedback when one of the modules is disabled.

I agree :). I have added this to the GUI wishlist.


I agree

I added similar requests to the GUI wishlist also (posted here). Check out the example image that is attached.

[attachment deleted by admin]


I Think this is nice and would like to have it.