Translation to Slovak - is it a joke?

I have downloaded new 3.9 version, Slovak version. CIS works well but translation, this is bad surprise for me. :o This is so amateurish! Pure “slavish” English-Slovak translation with plenty of mistakes. I know, it was a hard job but … I´ill change to English.

As for mistakes I’m fixing them and I will be really happy if you post them here. As for word-to-word translation, I’m working on it. It will be hard, but I’ll try my best. :wink:

So you’re saying the amateur translation is amateurish? 88)

You could chip in and help! :wink:

Sometimes two heads are better than one and you may be able to suggest better or more correct wording.

To HeffeD

Do you know something like adjective? Btw. “amateurish” - adjective , “amateur” - substantive

Have a Fine day

Here and there you happen to bump into an idiot who believes he’s smarter than the rest of the world. Have him translate complex computer terminology and we’ll see what pancakes he bakes.

I repeat

You could chip in and help!

Sometimes two heads are better than one and you may be able to suggest better or more correct wording.

Ewen :slight_smile:


I also tried Slovak. I want to thank to all the translators, but the translation needs some work yet. As I see it, some terms do not require to be translated (for example CIS - Comodo internetová bezpečnosť or the rules in defence+…). But maybe I am a little bit biased because I got accustomed to the English in CIS.

Slovak language will appreciate my sister and parents, who do not like Comodo, because they do not understand it (pop-ups and so on).

I think there will be necessary some Slovak corner in the Comodo forum (Czech and Hungarian have their own, but Slovak not), where we can talk with translators, share our ideas and possibly correct typos.

But thank you very much for your work,

Peter (z Levíc)

To Anathaen

You should be a little bit objective. Small example: CIS - COMODO Internet Security: This is the Name
Translation: COMODO Internet Security - ok
COMODO Internet bezpečnosť - bad. Because this is Product Name !!!

This is ONLY ! one small example…

I am not sage. I bring just constructive comment (criticism). You have typical SK naturel… Pity

To Daniel Jackson

Good Idea :-TU

I agree.

Fixed. Will be changed in next version.

To all: If you have suggestions about our translation, please, put them here.

Just for your information, the things you pointed out weren’t my mistakes. I only recently got to test the Slovak translation myself, because I was away for a brief period of time. Mr. Henky said he’d test it and that it’s ok. What needs correction are just a few typos, not the whole translation, which is correct. COMODO team, as we got to know, mentioned, that they’d fix line spacing in the pop-ups as well as regular brackets, which they didn’t as I can see.

Why we translated also the product name is simple: Not all people speak English well, some don’t understand a thing and we wanted to make it accessible for everyone, and with everyone I mean even those people, who, even though English is an international language and most widely used, don’t understand even the basics.

I admit we did some mistakes, we’re only human after all. All these minor mistakes will be corrected with the next update. We are doing our best and all the feedback is greatly appreciated.

You know I’m not an english native speaker…but I’m so used with english when using the computer that I prefer english over any other languages including my own native Indonesian when using my computer.

Firefox came out with Indonesian and no way i’m going to use that localized version. I tried it at other computer and was like what the heck. The texts were so weird such that it was as if I was reading an alien language. Didn’t like it a bit.

I am also fan of English language. But to make Comodo more popular, there is a need for multilingual interface. As we know, to make a good translation is very hard. It is similar with film. It is better when you watch film in original language with subtitles (possibly good too :slight_smile: ) than with bad dubbing. So when we find some mistake in translation and want to help our translators, so we have to inform them about it. I just tried to explain my view.

Thank you,


I think there will be necessary some Slovak corner in the Comodo forum (Czech and Hungarian have their own, but Slovak not), where we can talk with translators, share our ideas and possibly correct typos.
Please ask an administrator to do it (preferably Melih) as they're the only one that can change it.

yours sincerely


Thank you for an idea :slight_smile: I PM Melih and we will see :wink:


Hello all,

I have good news. Thanks to Melih (and eXPerience’s motivation :slight_smile: ) we have a Slovak board in international language section:

Thanks to all :wink: ,


Great, I’ll move this topic then to it’s correct board.

Good luck translating to everyone (I know what a though job it is ;))
