Бесплатный Интернет-сервис "Валькирия"

Надеюсь с вами :slight_smile:

Вчера на валькирии проверял винлок. По мнению валькирии на 50% файл не вредоносный, а потом поменяли статус на вредоносный.)))))
В облако детект добавили примерно через 24 часа.

Can you tell me the size of the file that you tried to upload?

Thank you.

Size is about 2 MB of sending a Comodo Antivirus Database | Submit Files for Malware Analysis

Thank you for getting back to me. Ive made some changes which might have solved the problem, could you try again and let me know the result? If you get any errors can you post up a screen shot?

geosword, Sometimes you get this error

OK, I think Ive bottomed it. Ive sent the issue to web team who will hopefully sort this problem on the next update. Thanks again for your help solving this problem
Warm regards
ps Sean: thanks for bringing it our attention.