time synchronization [resolved]

I have just ecently installed Comodo Personal firewall. I have discovered only one problem that I am unable to solve. How do I configure the firewall to all “internet time synchronization”. I have not been able to connect to time.windows.com manually or automatically. I normally do not check the automatic box, but neithr works. I use Windows XP Home edition SP2 with Firefox as my default browser.

As long as you still have the default TCP/UDP Out rule in the Network Monitor, here’s all you should need to do:

Create/add a rule in the Application Monitor.

Application: svchost.exe (it should be in c:\windows\system32)
Parent: services.exe (same path)
Action: Allow
Protocol: TCP/UDP
Direction: Out
Destination IP: Any, or you may use the hostname or IP address of the timeserver
Destination Port: 123

You may also need to create a similar In rule for svchost on that port.


I had some problems too, so I tried a new address to update from, and it actually worked! Independent of Comodo Firewall. Perhaps you want to try, just copy and paste: time-a.timefreq.bldrdoc.gov

Hope it works.

Thanks for both replies. The fix on the svchost did the trick, I also tried the alternate sync site and it worked also. Appreciate the responses :■■■■

Good to hear. :slight_smile:
I’m a bit surprised though, have heard of another guy - without Comodo Firewall - who also had problems updating time. And again, to me the difference was just the new server address, not Comodo. Anyhow, glad it worked out!

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