
I thought I post a quick note, letting you guys know that CAVS is detecting both VNCHooks.dll and winvnc.exe as not-a-virus:RemoteAdmin.Win32.WinVNC.1370. If I leave quarantine on, it quaranines the files, and is a bit of a pain when I try to access my desktop from my notebook at work.

Another thing I’ve noticed is the CPU usage spiking to 100% on a regular basis. The file that causes it depends on what is being used, be it the on-access, on-demand or e-mail scanner.

Keep up the great work and thanks.

Hi Syncline,
Iam also facing the same problem, Before installing CAVS in my system it was good i never faced any problem system hanging up so slow while booting, But when i installed the CAVS in my system i could find all sorts of problem.
As soon as my system is booted the CAVASM.EXE is taking about 36K of memory, CAVEMSRV.EXE taking about 24K of memory this makes my system to be slow.


I don’t find I have too much of a problem with the memory aspects, as my desktop (where CAVS is installed) has a gig of RAM and my notebook where I have CPF installed has 2 gigs of RAM. I am getting about the same amount of memory usage as you’ve stated above, but since I’m not a hardcore gamer and I realize this is beta software still, I’m not too concerned. I mainly switched from Avast because of the high CPU usage and wanted to see how Comodo compared. So far I’m pretty impressed however it’s a pain with it continually detecting my VNC server and popping up it’s warning window, or quarantining the VNC files, and the high CPU spikes are a bit of an inconvenience.


I’ve noticed the slowdowns when it checks for updates… about once an hour i think is the default setting.

I have manually overridden it to check every 12 hours… now I don’t notice the problem.

you can use the exclude function we have to exclude VNC files/folder so that CAVS won’t check it again…


Thanks for the heads up on the exclude function Melih. I never noticed it before.

As I said before, thanks for the great CPF and CAVS.


our pleasure :wink:


I do that for VNC, but other things that are identified as “not-a-virus” are still quarantined. This is often a problem because I like to copy things around, and run things from different directories, and suddenly I find that my files have been quarantined again. Given that the scanner identifies a file as “not-a-virus”, surely it could therefore not quarantine it?
