This software sucks (cfp 2.4)

System Requirements (version 3.0)

Windows XP – 32 and 64 bit versions
Windows Vista – 32 and 64 bit versions
64 Mb RAM
50 Mb free disk space

It doesn’t state that you need XP SP2, which it requires.

Are we referring to version 2 or version 3 of the Comodo Firewall now?

My problems are with v2, I can’t run v3.

Comodo rocks for me, now under the pressure of full change from 2 to 3 and make a new version some thinks is not so good, but I am sure that comodo team make them soon or later.

So comodo is very good and is going to be better


Well, that’s it for me. This ■■■■■■ program keeps slowing down my cable connection, it blocks programs that it’s supposed to allow and kills my connection randomly, I’m done with it.

Sure it is not just you? Comodo cannot block programs without its user telling it too. Random disconnections also sound like you are doing something. COMODO can block your connection completely but it cannot do it randomly.

No it’s not me, it’s the software. I don’t care how many people say that it can’t do it randomly because it does.

Well, I switched both of my computers over to Sygate and haven’t had any problems, my laptop hasn’t lost its connection once and both of my computers run much faster.

So now I’d have to say the problem has been with comodo and I think I’m going to stay away from it from now on.

Sygate was/is a pretty good firewall, although the proxy hole is kind of irksome for those of us who use such virus scanners. At least you won’t have to complain to anybody, and maybe can still get some support on Wilders. Glad the rest of the users haven’t had your problems. Or your attitude.

Umm…ok. I doubt that, just giving such vague definitions on why it sucks either means you never tried it and are just trying to make trouble, or your computer is really bad. There is no possible way COMODO 2.4 when installed on a clean system uses too many resources. Its soo light, in my task manager it never pops above 20,000K even when its updating. Your AIM takes about 25,000K when its idling, and you say COMODO is a waste of resources?

And for the fact your internet slowed down, that may be, but then again, did you enable the check odd protocol option? (or something like that)

Sorry to lose you josh? but did you have any other security programs running(or remnants of) you have been asked but not answered.I think you will struggle to find a group such as the mods/admin never mind the other computer genius`s who try there upmost to help anyone who has a problem.

ps whats a fault 40 anyone?

Nice 1 Matty