This says It all

This says It all

  1. This Article was produced in September 2009!
  2. Softpedia: If you search Softpedia, COMODO Software is back on there now, Since Comodo won legally over them saying HopSurf is adware. Comodo made them change the terms and they did.
  3. Comodo does not sell Certs to Malware Authors. There is a certificate out there for SSL called “Domain Validation” - This cert can NOT verify WHO bought the cert, or whom they are encrypting for, Meaning anyone can purchase this cert, including a malware author. Comodo is NOT the only company in this. Big Daddy, Verisign etc are also in this. Comodo have created standards in 2005, and created a Extended Validation Cert, where careful procedures are carried out to make sure the person buying the cert is legitimate.

Pls search the forums for further info.


there’s really no point in arguing with “Brown Mule” This person is here just to try to cause problems. The best way to deal with it is to ignore this persons post. Let’s the mods deal with the trolls :wink:

--------sorry tooby---- I didn’t look below your name. You are a mod. My bad :-[

No problem Jay. :wink:

Mr Brown Mule’s 4 posts until now are all of a troll like nature. He is on the watch list.

I concur



Do you really think I care what you bunch of computer screen lickers think!!!

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