Think I got hacked??

Need help … I recently download Lime Wire a P2P client. When I clicked on a site, it sent me to another site. The site was not pronographic and was a regular site but for some reason it sent me there. I thought it was a virus or spyware. So, I scanned my system with Norton Anti-Virus and it turns out it was clean. Could this have been a browser hack?

I still want to use Limewire if that’s possible but be safe. Is there any way to prevent this and what could of it been? If it’s off topic sorry…

Welcome to the forum jz93.

Unfortunately, I don’t use Limewire, so I can’t be sure. It’s possible that installation of the product adds some sort of browser control applet…

Which browser are you using?

Thank you for answering my question so quickly. I’m using the firefox browser. Limewire shares files and such … such as downloading music. I’m wondering if I should unstall it because it is known for viruses and trojans. BUT when I scanned with norton anti-virus my system is clean. Also, my comodo firewall is on.

From what I know of Limewire, it’s a perfectly legitimate application, I assume you downloaded from the Limewire site and not from somewhere a bit suspect.

if you want to tell me (pm if you want privacy) the name of the site you went to went you were redirected I can check…