Themes for CIS

If any one is interested I have theme files for CIS that will give you either the default XP theme (Luna) or the Media Center (Royale) theme. You just have to put them into the themes folder and then you will be able to choose them from the settings option on the Miscellaneous tab.

You can make theme files from ones on your computer. Just find where the themes are stored and look for files with the .mss extension. Copy the file to the comodo themes folder and just change the .mss to .theme.

This comes up with your links, Dch48:

" Oops! The Page Can Not Be Found! "

That sucks, well I just tried that site cause photobucket only accepts images. I’ll have to find another file hosting site I guess.

I don’t know though. I just checked and it said one of the files has been downloaded 18 times and the other 12 so it must be working for some people. The download page is ad sponsored so maybe your browser is blocking it? I can’t do direct links to the files with the free version they give you.

Try these:

XP Theme

Media Center Theme

Where is the “look like a normal windows program” theme? Normal to me is the existing windows theme, mine is set to “Windows Classic Style” ==>> “Desert”, enarged fonts and icons, but it would be ever so nice if Comodo could use whichever one Windows is set to.

Is it a potential security breach or something like that?

I think the classic theme is even uglier than the default CIS one. I currently am using the theme from the Time machine beta. It’s red and looks somewhat like v4 of CIS will look. All you have to do is copy it over to the CIS themes folder. When you choose it it says blue, but it comes out red. I also like the way that CIS does not use the default Windows theme the way so many other programs do.

This works for CIS 4?

Havent tried it with v4 since I’m satisfied with the red theme.

Works good with V4.
Aeoro vista:

Thanks for posting the screenshots (saves people from having to question what each looks like all the time). It’s a PITA to have to restart CIS each time when switching. It didn’t used to be like that IIRC.

You have always had to restart the GUI after switching themes. You just right click on the system tray icon and choose exit. Then double click on the desktop icon to relaunch it. That has always been the necessary procedure.

This may be a stupid question, but where would I get the theme that this screen shot shows? It’s labeled “StolenBlk”

From here? :slight_smile:

Too bad there aren’t small fonts as opposed to large fonts. When you have a 14inch laptop everything would be incredibly ■■■■■■■ the eyes if my screen resolution was higher than 800x 600. I also gotta say after upgrading to cf 4 the shocking red that greeted me with the new install was enough to make me go back to 3. I got an instant headache from it. I really do not want my eyes to get any worse than they are.