The problem with cis !

The problem with cis !

Notebook Samsung rv 511

Very long boot-to-desktop and the whole computer , to 10 min …

Re-installed full sweep , didn’t help .

Other protective programs , what to do ?

While sitting on COMODO Cloud Antivirus , with him no such problems

Hi Nikkolayy,

Please provide .etl file by following this guide.

Kind Regards,

To reproduce the situation, I need to wake up rebooting the laptop. Problems appear only when the laptop is turned on. How do I collect a report in this case?;msg858798#msg858798

Can I add an instruction in Russian in the Russian branch?

Yes you should be able to.

Do I understand correctly that I need to do the following : 1. Install WPT . 2 to run as administrator at the command prompt:

Code: [Select]
xbootmgr -trace rebootCycle -noPrepReboot -resultPath C:\windows\temp.

3 of folder temp to provide you with the reports ?


You can use a different folder as I think you may have many old files that is not needed. So change to a folder on the desktop and submit files with .etl extension.

Writes denied access

what to do ?

Here is the report from the program

But another report could not collect , waiting for tips

I have Windows 7 maybe is the problem ?

Here is the information from the system log

  • System

    • Provider

    [ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance
    [ Guid] {CFC18EC0-96B1-4EBA-961B-622CAEE05B0A}

    EventID 101

    Version 1

    Level 3

    Task 4002

    Opcode 33

    Keywords 0x8000000000010000

    • TimeCreated

    [ SystemTime] 2017-06-07T19:40:06.365963900Z

    EventRecordID 1111

    • Correlation

    [ ActivityID] {8525E364-EE33-0001-65E1-A161C5DFD201}

    • Execution

    [ ProcessID] 1648
    [ ThreadID] 3268

    Channel Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance/Operational

    Computer Николя-ПК

    • Security

    [ UserID] S-1-5-19

  • EventData

    StartTime 2017-06-07T19:36:38.671600300Z
    NameLength 10
    Name cavwp.exe
    FriendlyNameLength 25
    FriendlyName COMODO Internet Security
    VersionLength 15
    Version 10, 0, 1, 6223
    TotalTime 8797
    DegradationTime 4266
    PathLength 59
    Path C:\Program Files\COMODO\COMODO Internet Security\cavwp.exe
    ProductNameLength 25
    ProductName COMODO Internet Security
    CompanyNameLength 7
    CompanyName COMODO

You will help ?

P.S. After the next reinstallation it became better, less load and the desktop is loaded more quickly. But for control, I would still give you a report

Installed a new version with full cleaning and the problem was eliminated