The option "logging" in Website Filtering > Allow Sites , Does not work [M1294]

1. The full product and its version:
COMODO FIREWALL 8.0.332922.4281 BETA
2. Your Operating System (32 or 64 bit) and ServicePack revision. and if using a virtual machine, which one:
virtual machine : virtualbox 4.3.6 r91406 , windows7 x64
3. List all the configuration changes you did. Are you using Default configuration? If no, whats the difference?:
COMODO - Internet Security
4. Did you install over a previous version without uninstalling first, or import a previous configuration file?:
Clean install
5. Other Security, Sandboxing or Utility Software Installed:
6. Step by step description to reproduce the issue. Or if you cannot reproduce it, what you actually did before it happened, step by step:
1: Go to the Advanced Settings > Security Settings > Firewall Settings > Website Filtering.
2: Then go to Edit Allow Sites > Restrictions > User:Everyone ,Restrictions: Allow ,and choose to activate the logging. Then select OK.
3: After setting it to log on allowed sites, I find that I am able to access sites, such as Google or the Comodo Forum. However, when I open the View Logs > Website Filtering, I find that there are no logs for my accessing these sites.
7. What actually happened when you carried out these steps:
If I change the option of “logging”,in Filtering-Rules ~allow Sites, so that it is set to log, I find that the log does not show any sites being logged. Thus, it is not working correctly.
8. What you expected to see or happen when you carried out these steps, and why (if not obvious):
I would expect that with that logging option activated, a log entry would be created for each site accesed.
9. Any other information:

Thank you for submitting this. I made some edits to your first post. Does everything look correct?


Everything look correct, thanks to modify the topic

Thank you very much for your report in standard format, with all information supplied. The care you have taken is much appreciated by Comodo, and will increase the likelihood that this bug can be fixed.

Developers may or may not communicate with you in the forum or by PM/IM, depending on time, availability, and need. Because you have supplied complete information they may be able to replicate and fix the bug without doing so.

Many thanks again.

The devs have informed me that they are not able to reproduce this. They have informed me that only sites which are explicitly added to the list of sites to be allowed will be logged. Not all sites which are not blocked will be logged.

Thus, to make sure Google, or the Comodo Forum, are logged, make sure that you have added them to the list of added category for the rule where Allow action is being used. Please let me know if after doing this they are correctly logged.


The issue has been resolved, but this issue is not clarified in the

Please put your next reply such that it is in the format provided here. I will then keep this as a bug, but change it in the tracker so that it is now a Help File Issue.


1: A link to the relevant help file page:

2: What the help files says on the issue of concern (if anything)
Use the ‘Logging’ switch to choose whether or not attempts to access a categorized website are logged.
3: What you think it should say or explain
I think the explanation of this option “Logging” is explained vaguely. Currently it sounds as if all sites which are not blocked will be logged. However, in truth only sites which are specifically added to the Allowed Sites list are logged. The Help File should make this more explicit.
If you clicked on this option of allowed sites, is logged only sites, in the category list.
4: Why you think it should say or explain that
Because it is not clear to the user. It is only possible to learn how this option works through trial and error.

Thank you. I have re-opened this as a Help File Issue.

thanks :-TU

The devs have not marked this as Fixed in the tracker. However, sometimes bugs are fixed by the release of new versions, but not marked as Fixed in the tracker.

If you are able please check with the newest version (CIS version and let me know if this is fixed on your computer with that version.

Thank you.

There are no changes in the page, the problem is not solved

Thank you for checking this. I’ve updated the tracker.


The devs have not marked this as Fixed in the tracker. However, sometimes bugs are fixed by the release of new versions, but not marked as Fixed in the tracker.

If you are able please check with the newest version (CIS version and let me know if this is fixed on your computer with that version.

Thank you.

Please move the the topic to “Help File Errors, Simple GUI Errors, & Translation Errors-CIS”

Actually, it is considered as enhancement, debatable.
Hope it helps.