The mail can not be processed. Error: The Environment is incorrect.

I am running Outlook 2002 on Window XP SP3 and have just installed CSE version

I have obtained and installed a digital certificate as per the CSE system prompts.

When I attempt to send an email I am presented with the following error:

“The mail can not be processed. Error: The Environment is incorrect.”

Can anyone assist please?


Hi I am having the same problem, did you get it resolved if so what was the resolution?


No - no resolution. I am thinking I will have to remove the software. Frustrating !

You have to be patient with Comodo as they have way too many projects going on all at once ;)

I’ve been trying to use CSE for a few months now and it’s gone from completely unusable to minor errors in just 2 releases so they are making progress on it.

I’ve been playing with this on a couple different workstations and it looks like it works with Outlook 2007 but not 2003. That doesn’t solve anything, but hopefully narrows it down a bit.

Hi there,

Just had the exact same problem myself BUT there is something you could try. Follow the below:

  1. Open Outlook 2003
  2. Open the ‘tools’ tab
  3. select ‘options’
  4. select ‘security’
  5. check the box marked ‘Add digital signature to outgoing messages’

That worked for me, let me know if it has worked for you.

