The Comodo Firewall creates common rules instead of IP specific


I have running just the Comodo Firewall. No any HIPS, VirusScope, etc…
I select the “Custom Ruleset”.
When I launch some app - the firewall ask me for Allow / Deny access for specific Protocol/IP.
I give the access… but the Firewall create the general rule, instead of specific for allowed protocol/IP.

Please see attached screenshots.


PS: don`t understand why the post was moved from BUGs to HELPs… 88)

Alerts will always show the application, IP address, Protocol, and Port if applicable. You need to change the alert frequency level to have rules created in the way you want them saved.

If you searched you would have found similar threads with the solution.

Also the help doc: General Firewall Settings, PC Firewall, Firewall Protection | Internet Security

OMG… it is very “not intuitive” way.

Generally, if the person want to swith the firewall to the “custom ruleset” - he wants to have the full control, not partial.
If I choose the “custom ruleset”, by default it need to show all warnings.
If I want to add app to trusted - I will select “Treat as” > “Allowed application”, as was in previous versions of CF.

Thanks for answer, guys!