the basic or pro version and reseller credit if files are stored

Ok, if I store the free file to serve up to my customers, how would I get reseller credit and pricing should that customer go ahead with a full commerce email certificate?

Hi inetbizo,

Organizations seeking to purchase Corporate Secure Email Certificates for use with Comodo SecureEmail Pro would need to sign up for an ePKI account.

I will send you a PM with personal contact information of someone that can help you. Be on the look-out.

ok and doesn’t this free software link them to comodo to purchase a ePKI account, thereby circumventing the reseller?

ANSWER: You can purchase Certificates from downloading the free Pro version.

Presumably this matter has been resolved as it was October since the last message.

I’ll lock and mark resolved. Should you need it opening again, please PM an online Moderator like myself.


Topic reactivated as per Inetbizo.

Please explain your current issue in relation to this topic.


A developer has not posted the solution for resellers. It was slated by the dev team to be added into development, but I never heard back from them.


This issue has not been forgotten. We do not have a solution for this yet.


Is the roadmap trackable or changlog?

I’m not quite sure what you mean. We don’t have a solution yet but all changes are listed with the forum release notes.