The anti-virus database in CIS 5.12 is not updated

Installed Win 7 and CIS 5.12 on an old laptop. But the anti-virus databases are not updated, it says there is no Internet, but it is there.I downloaded the anti-virus database and copied it to the “Scanners” folder. Still, the message “The anti-virus database is out of date. Update now” remains in the interface, although in “About the program” it shows the latest version of the databases. How to fix?

OS Windows 7 Pro x86

P.S. Everything works on Windows 7 Pro x64.

Is the update server this one?

Yes, the same one. The default is. On x64 Windows 7 everything works, but on x86 it doesn’t. It says no internet, but it is 550 Mb/s

Hi megaherz33,

Thank you for reporting.
FYI: Seems like cis v5.12 is very old version and we are not supporting it.
