THANK YOU- First time in the History of Internet

Congratulations Melih and Comodo :-TU I am very proud of it because I see that a Turk can make technology and security for all the digital world. As a user, much appreciated :slight_smile:

[url][Comodo has become the most widely used SSL certificate authority]

New data by today, an independent IT market research firm, states that Comodo has now captured 33.6% of the SSL Certificate Authority market to take the number one position away from Symantec for the first time ever.

Read why thinks "Comodo’s market share is likely to grow further, as it is particularly popular among new sites” in their blog link above.

Thank you loyal Comodo customers and partners!

Congratulations Melih. By the way, please NEVER allow Symantec to buy Comodo! They always buy the companys that surpasses them in the market share, but please don’t allow this to happen with Comodo, we users don’t want to lose our beloved CIS!

Symantec can’t afford Comodo :wink:


I’ve been expecting that. You have my sincere congratulations. That’s hard work. :slight_smile:

Congratulations Melih and Comodo. :-TU


Congratulations Melih. That is an achievement to be proud of… :■■■■

I merged your post with an existing topic.

“To everyone with a vision out there, this is your success, not just mine. This success belongs to all the people out there who have a vision and put their heart and soul into making that dream a reality.” Good words Melih. My dream is to make COMODO brand #1 in my country. If its the #1 in the World, why can’t it be #1 here too? :slight_smile:
CONGRATULATIONS Melih. It is a happy day for all (for Melih, for COMODO STAFF, for your users, for the Internet security as a whole). :■■■■

On a side note… HAHAHA, this is a good one:

Это вам спасибо за ваш труд . По трудам вашим и награда .

Thank you. I translated it with an online translator:

This thank you for your work. By your works and award

Could you next time please post in English?

I beg your pardon

It’s better to translate the last sentence as
“You are awarded by your work.”


Congrats! I was very happy to see Comodo pull out in front and hope you stay there. Happy that the certs we’ve been purchasing for our own sites and client sites this past year helped, even if only a little.

Thank you SoCruz!

here a big Success :a0
Congrats , :smiley:

Congrats and a big thumbs up :-TU :-TU :-TU

congratulations. I hope to stay on top and your products become better everyday.