Thank you Comodo!

I discovered Comodo PF several months ago and installed version 2.0, as I was eager to get away from Ze A*m. Sadly, I had to revert to ZA due to Comodo’s very high memory usage.

I was very happy to read that the high mem. usage problem was going to be addressed in future versions, and eagerly awaited their release. I just downloaded and installed v. 2.33 BETA, and I am very impressed! Much less memory usage than v. 2.0 or ZA, and no conflicts at all with any of my programs!

I am looking forward to the “stable” version 2.33 of Comodo firewall - this one’s a keeper! (:CLP) (R)

Yeah…I am also looking forward to this version!

I have read much good things about this firewall, so I will install it asap when I get my new computer.


Hi guys and welcome,

CPF is getting better and better. The latest version has some major improvements and future versions look set to take over the security market :smiley:

If you have any wishes for features, etc just add them to the wishlist and there is a good chance they will be added :wink:

Also, any questions or if you want to participate on the forums don’t hold back.

Again welcome to Comodo,

Yup, I’m also a comodo firewall convert. I used 2.0 for the last 3 or 4 weeks and was very pleased with the protection offered, but dismayed at how much it bogged down my system.

I just installed the beta 2.3 version and the difference on the system resource hogging between the last full version and this beta is astounding. My PC runs much smoother and hardly chugs a bit anymore. Many thanks to the Team at Comodo for making a great product.

I have one question though: Are we getting the same type of protection from this beta (2.3) as we were with the older version (2.0)? I just want to make sure my PC is as secure as it was before. Also, what’s the projected release date for a full Version based on the beta just released?

Thanks again.

Even much secure. I myself call CPF 2.3 the Rock.

Awesome. (:CLP)

How long will it take for a final version based on 2.3 to come out?

Should be next week, if everything goes to plan. :wink:

Thanks again for the quick responses and an awesome firewall.

:wink: You’re always welcome.
