Comodo 5 displays even text (.txt, .doc, .xml, etc.) files inside the Unrecognized files list, and sends them off to Comodo servers. This is a bug.
Sorry you are having this problem
If you are referring to the fact that it add such files without asking for confirmation when asked to add a directory this is a known bug. Number 227 in Bugzilla (mods buglist).
[Edit: though on reflection #227 applies to trusted files, needs extension to unrecognised files]
Overall the ability to add such files with confirmation is a plus, as a text file can be malware and can be sandboxed as it can be run as a program by an interpreter.
I have not seen CIS submit such files though? Are you sure?
Please make your report in the format requested in the stickies.
The bug/issue
- What you did: Chose to add files from my Idrive directory to Unrecognised Files
- What actually happened or you actually saw: All the files, executable or not were added. CIS did not ask me if this is what I wanted
- What you expected to happen or see: Dialog box or setting that allowed me to determine whether all files or just executables were to be added. (I understand that you sometimes may wish to add all files).
- How you tried to fix it & what happened: N/A
- Details (exact version) of any software involved with download link: Idrive program files directory: Download IDrive for PC, Mac, Linux, Servers, iOS, Android
Files appended
- Screenshots illustrating the bug: Appended
- Screenshots of related event logs or the active processes list: N/A
- A CIS configuration report: Appended
- Crash or freeze dump file: N/A
Your set-up
- CIS version & configuration used: 5.0.1000.1135, Proactive config
- Whether you imported a configuration, if so from what version: No
- Defense+ and Sandbox OR Firewall security level: Defenseplus=Safe, Sandbox=enabled
- OS version, service pack, bits, UAC setting, & account type: Windows XP, SP3, 32 bit, N/A, Admin account.
- Other security and utility software running: See appended CIS config file
- CIS AV database version: Not applicable
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