Text and other files displayed in Unrecognized Files [Issue: #227]

Comodo 5 displays even text (.txt, .doc, .xml, etc.) files inside the Unrecognized files list, and sends them off to Comodo servers. This is a bug.

Sorry you are having this problem

If you are referring to the fact that it add such files without asking for confirmation when asked to add a directory this is a known bug. Number 227 in Bugzilla (mods buglist).

[Edit: though on reflection #227 applies to trusted files, needs extension to unrecognised files]

Overall the ability to add such files with confirmation is a plus, as a text file can be malware and can be sandboxed as it can be run as a program by an interpreter.

I have not seen CIS submit such files though? Are you sure?

Please make your report in the format requested in the stickies.


The bug/issue

  1. What you did: Chose to add files from my Idrive directory to Unrecognised Files
  2. What actually happened or you actually saw: All the files, executable or not were added. CIS did not ask me if this is what I wanted
  3. What you expected to happen or see: Dialog box or setting that allowed me to determine whether all files or just executables were to be added. (I understand that you sometimes may wish to add all files).
  4. How you tried to fix it & what happened: N/A
  5. Details (exact version) of any software involved with download link: Idrive program files directory: Download IDrive for PC, Mac, Linux, Servers, iOS, Android

Files appended

  1. Screenshots illustrating the bug: Appended
  2. Screenshots of related event logs or the active processes list: N/A
  3. A CIS configuration report: Appended
  4. Crash or freeze dump file: N/A

Your set-up

  1. CIS version & configuration used: 5.0.1000.1135, Proactive config
  2. Whether you imported a configuration, if so from what version: No
  3. Defense+ and Sandbox OR Firewall security level: Defenseplus=Safe, Sandbox=enabled
  4. OS version, service pack, bits, UAC setting, & account type: Windows XP, SP3, 32 bit, N/A, Admin account.
  5. Other security and utility software running: See appended CIS config file
  6. CIS AV database version: Not applicable

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