Test results for BOCLEAN

Isn’t it nice to get the other side of the story, i feel enlightened. :■■■■

sure is !!

[ Hey Rotty, nice to see you’ve been touched by his Noodly Appendage ;D ]

Maybe everyone should write to google and point them to this thead…put gizmo out of business :slight_smile:

Ho Ho, he’s been ‘outed’ on DIGG http://digg.com/users/1AliciaMc/news/dugg

LOL, I guess this thread might get some attention…

He is very good at “manipulating” his Google links.
It would bear some investigating…

I now see why humanity is in the shape it is in… we have the “Ready-Fire-Aim” mentality… how very very sad.

Please stop all the useless comments and finger pointing.

What each of us has to say, will have absolutely NO affect on the final outcome.

It is up to the principles actually involved to settle this.


P.S. Based on what I see in this thread, I will not be surprised when I get attacked for this post.

G’day flinchock and welcome to the forums.

I hope you don’t get flamed. Your opinion is very clearly laid out and I agree with you. It is up to the principals to nut out between themselves and anything we say here will ultimately prove to be grist to the mill.

The users of these forums are passionate and yes, sometimes we do cross the line, but it’s not usually done with malice aforethought. Please don’t be put off by this. ALL considered comments are welcomed (pro or con Comodo) as we can all learn from each other.

Hope to see you around the forums.

Ewen :slight_smile:

Please note that the reviews on archive.org are NOT 3-4 different reviews!

they are the SAME review, cunningly modified. The initial review that was favourable has been modified!

So lets look at the facts here:

-We have this guy who writes a good review first…
-during that time Nancy&Kevin don’t pay this guy for a favourable review.
-then this guy modifies the same good review to make it not so good (not writing another review as such, simply modifying the old review)
-then less than 8 weeks of Boclean being taken over by Comodo ,suddenly Boclean gets attention and gets tested as a HIPS module and have bad review…

hmm…is it payday again now that Comodo took over? (:WIN)


Hehehehe. (:LGH) (:LOV) I love this review!

It gave me a great idea.

I’m going to test my mountain bike to see if it will pass the automobile crash tests standars! ;D


It might do better than some cars recently tested!


flinchlock, thank you for your post.

if this was a private matter, then i would agree that noone had to get involved and principles would have sorted it.

BUT (and a big BUT)…

it aint just a personal issue. This guy is trying to influence people’s opinions by his so called reviews. Hence public deserves to know everything that is related.

This guy is sending emails out as his newsletter to influence people’s opinion and doing so with wrong tests and more importantly with a checkered history of modifed reviews and a good deal of communication about financial affairs between Nancy&Kevin and himself.

So i say public deserves to know!


According to Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) in Wall Street (1987) - a movie I just love - information is the most valuable thing in the world. Thus it is concerning when misleading information is spread, by people in position to reach the great mass. The power of journalists is incredible. I just hope things like this incident does not harm Comodo’s reputation.

I had used that “best freeware utility list”… ■■■■ this Gizmo guy anyways. Does someone know of another list I could replace this The ultimate list of freeware utilities - Gizmo's Best
with ? Actually, It would be of more benefit to alot of other people since I don’t even use a ton of the freeware…I don’t like shady people and BS. like this guy is spewing. Its funny that I don’t even have Boclean installed at this moment. Nevertheless I digress…

Nevermind. You just use the list but Not the reviews Max lols (:LGH)

I am thinkin that with Boclean going to Comodo he is testing the waters to see if Melih would be interested in buying some of his special “Toner”.


Maybe he is. But I don’t think he will succeed :wink:

Mixed feelings in the spirit of Gordon Gekko; “to see Gizmo use BOClean and get infected by malware” ;D

Sorry guys for my off topic tendences, no more Wall Street parallells from me in this thread :slight_smile:

I have a question…

Who really gives a flying F*** about this review anyway?

The proof is in the pudding so to speak…Whenever 4.24 comes out, and ppl use it, the word will spread how good it is!!!

Comodo…Don’t get side tracked because of this A** Hole!!!


Sidetrack is exactly what this is.
It disgusts me that a gentleman like Melih would have to deal with it.
Sadly, the predators ability to spam and manipulate search results under the guise of software reviews makes this necessary.
Anyone this shady has to have more than a toe across the line, I’m thinking further investigation by the proper authorities may be fruitful…

That’s why it won the prized “Editor’s Choice” award from xxxxx Magazine and is rated “outstanding” by Gizmo Richards, editor of the highly regarded Support Alert newsletter

Doesn’t mind beating his own drum either.
The above is out of his newsletter, which I subscribed to some time back(reviewing a paid ver software) .
Some of his other software reviews have left me wondering, there is a pattern when you look closely.

I actually used to think he was a pretty good reviewer, then i started to notice that there were a few ‘patterns’ to his reviews, and after that i got into his ‘premium area’ without his extortionate fee - what kind of computer genius leaves a backdoor into an area for supporters?? xD

Anyway, randomness aside…I have ‘seen the light’ so to speak, and personally trust Comodo FAR more than a guy who has the nickname of a gremiln, need I say more?..

BOclean 4.24 review by Gizmo “46 best freeware”

2.1 Review: Comodo BOClean V4.23
When I read that Comodo had acquired the commercial security product BoClean and were making it available for free [1] I was excited. BOClean is a malware memory monitor with a good reputation and a strong following. The possibility of combining this with a good freeware scanner like AVG Anti-spyware sounded like an attractive possibility. The name BOClean derives from the fact that BOClean originated as a specialist cleaner for the original Back Orifice trojan. Over time its capabilities were extended to other trojans and then to malware more generally. This history is not irrelevant. BOClean is by design an anti-trojan monitor with some other capabilities added on. Despite my high expectations BOClean performed poorly on testing. Naturally I couldn’t run any of my normal scanning tests as BOClean is only a memory monitor and has no file scanner but on the other tests it performed terribly; arguably the worst performance of any product I have tested. You can read my lab notes here [1] but it suffices to say that BOClean missed too much and protected too little. Perhaps the worst aspect of its performance is its total lack of self protection. It can even be terminated by Windows Task Manger. If that’s not bad enough BOClean is on the hit list of many of the security software termination programs that form an integral part of modern malware. Its lack of protection and slow response make it a sitting duck. More accurately, a dead duck. I hate to disillusion BOClean’s many ardent fans but BOClean, like SpyBot Search and Destroy was a once great product whose time has passed. I simply can’t recommend it for general use against modern malware. Hopefully the new owners of BOClean will develop and enhance the product; it really needs it. Freeware, all Windows versions, 1.34MB.
[1] http://www.comodo.com/boclean/boclean.html
[2] http://techsupportalert.com/Security%20Tests/Security%20Tests%20-%20%20Comodo%20BoClean%204.23.htm