Taskeng.exe launching unknown .exe's

Hi all,

Here’s my problem…

The other day i had comodo disabled so i could play a game across hamachi, i forgot to re-enable it and it stayed this way for a couple days. Yesterday, i left my browser open and went to make a cuppa, when i came back there were multiple notification windows open in the top left corner of my screen which displayed no text and couldn’t be closed, firefox root directory was open and when i looked at the running processes it showed that cmd, ping and net.net and several processes with a single letter of the alphabet for their names were running. The comodo firewall errored and the service stopped.

I tried restarting CIS but it could no start the service so i had to do that manually through services.msc, once it was running i stopped all network activity and performed a scan with AVG and CIS.

AVG found a few things, mostly tracking cookies and comodo found nothing. I have since blocked several attempts from taskeng.exe to launch d.exe and l.exe

occasionally a new tab is opened in FireFox which directs me to google through this page “http://clickstraffic.net/se.php?pop=1&aid=NW5pcDNy&uid=2686515845&ver=1&key=spyware

Any ideas?
EDIT Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware finally found net.net to be a Trojan.Downloader, hopefully this cures my problem.

EDIT* Bit mroe info, it adds d.exe to startup under the name “Turbo net”

What worries me still though is that the CIS service was stopped upon being attacked…