Tale of Woe

Just downloaded CAS 2.7 from websit after reading all the blurb - thought it looked great, installed it and zilch nothing works.

I am using Window 7 Enterprise 64bit and Outlook 2010.

Can anyone tell me if they have CAS working with this combination, if they have what ami I doing wrong

Many thanks


I’d also would like to know this. I currently use an AV suite with an integrated Antispam solution. I want to migrate to CIS but it doesnt include an antispam module.

I had take a look to CAS, but it doesn’t seem to be in development anymore. Am I wrong?

EDIT: Yes, I’m wrong, development is still on going, just really slow apparently. I hope to see a new/better/working version soon.

Please advise.

When last I heard a beta was expected very soon.

Sorry I cannot be more precise.


Oh it was Junhua, from the development team I heard from, about 2 weeks ago.
