System Running Slow


I got the Comodo Fire Wall and Antivirus Program installed on my PC.
My PC is running slow. Sometime some application takes time to open. Is there any ideas( in settings and configuration ) to improve the speed.


Please provide which software version of CPF 3 you are using as well as which antivirus you are running.

Also, are you running with Defense+ in Clean PC Mode?

Please also state your hardware stats


Thanks Eric for reply,

I don’t understand the different modes properly, so also suggest proper mode for me.
I am using CPF with defence+ Train with safe Mode.
And Comodo Antivirus with On Access Scanner enable, Email: Incoming enable
& Stop Mass Mailer enabled. HIPS Application Control Disabled.
Database updated automatically.

Windows XP Service Pack2
AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3500+
2.21GHz, I GB of RAM


There has since been a new version of CPF3 out.

Comodo antivirus is still in beta so it might be related to a comodo antivirus problem.

You have more ram than my machine does so what else are you running on your computer?